Saturday, April 11, 2009

Work, work, work.....

I know I haven't updated for a long time. I am really bad at that. My post is going to be all over the place today. Well, I have been at my NPS job for 6 weeks now. I still love it. I am now doing clothing. I am doing it by myself, but I am still in the Amazon room with everyone else. They are all kind of mad that they are doing industrial and crappy stuff, and I get to do clothing and shoes. The fun things! They didn't know that, that was what I was hired for. We sell really good things with really high quality brands for super cheap. Anyone that wants to look, go to your address bar and type in and click ebay store. You can find anything! It's great. Well, anyways, I have been doing that and selling for Alan from him warehouse items. I never have time to even think. It is so nice, because I would rather have too much work than not enough in these hard economic times. I am just so grateful that I have something to help me take care of the debt. Shawn's books finally arrived. All 5,000 copies of them. We haven't really been doing anything about it quite yet, because all of the things that he is scheduled for, is in the upcoming months. We are still really excited about it. I am so proud of him. I got a new calling in our ward. Assistant Camp Director. That is what I was in my last ward, and it was a blast!!! It was Stake Camp last year, so I didn't have to do much. I am kind of excited to plan the whole thing. Shawn is coming this year to be one of the Priesthood Leaders. He is going to do a cooking lesson for the girls up there. It will be so awesome. Shawn's Brother came home last wednesday. I was able to take him shopping this week, and it was a blast!!! He let me have him try on anything I wanted. No one has ever let me do that before. Things are going well. Shawn and I tend to get the short end of the stick on everything, but I feel that things are starting to go the way we would like them to go.