Monday, August 11, 2008


Hello! Well, Shawn and I are just livin it up down here in Farmington. We are actually starting to enjoy living here quite a bit, except for all the creepy bugs down here. We found our first spider in the house. It had a bee bumb, long thick spider legs, and a fly face with fangs. It was very large. It was strange. Other than that, things are well. We finally got our things from the moving company. We decided to use the "attorney" word, which got the ball rolling pretty quickly. Funny how that works. It was like Christmas morning for us. We loved having our bed. Everything about it is so wonderful. I actually think not having our things for a while was a blessing in disguise. It definitely made us appreciate the things we do have, and allowed us to still be happy and fine just living with the basics, and each other. It also made us realize that we need to clean house! We have kept so many things that we don't even think twice about, and never use, thinking that we might someday. Well, we can do without all the excess baggage. We are also going to decorate the house to make it a place of serenity and peace, instead of coming home to chaos, clutter, and things we don't even like. We have been finding huge bargains at the Hobby Lobby, and Lowe's. Hobby Lobby is always having a huge blowout sale, and we went to Lowe's the other night, and saw amongst the 30-50 dollar lamps, that there were 2 and 3 dollar lamps. They weren't the crappy ones that nobody wants. All my favorite ones were the cheap ones, and the lampshades too. We got a total steal! It's amazing the kind of deals out there. We have been working a whole lot lately. I even got overtime this week! I love my job, because it challenges me, and throws me out of my comfort zone every single day, but it is actually starting to get exhilerating in a sense to be uncomfortable. I have officially become a morning person also. sleeping in late to me, is about 8 or 8:30. For my job, I have to get up and be to work by 6:30, but I enjoy it. What is wrong with me? :) We also really like our ward. We feel at home, and really comfortable there. It is the first time in a long time I have felt like that. I have women standing in line after Relief Society to talk to me. That has never happened before. I guess that is how it is out-of-state. We are starting to make friends also. It has been really comfortable here. We can't wait to be back in Utah next week though to visit. I miss my friends and family, and it will be exciting to see them again. Especially my little nephew Caden. He is grown.

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