Dad walked away not caring about Kara's stuff, but about his prized possession. His sweatshirt.
Sorry if this post will bore the tears out of ya'll, but it is mostly for my family that couldn't attend this year, and in detail what we did.
We decide to start an annual thing 3 years ago, that we are going to go to the St. George Parade Of Homes every year. We have every year since then. Usually, it is my parents and Shawn and I that go, and that was the case this year. We always have an outdoor activity every year along with that too. Our activity was decided that we were going to see The Wave in Paria Canyon down in Southern Utah. If you have not heard of it, well, let's just say, that everyone wants to see it and photograph it. The permits are next to impossible to get and only 20 people a day are allowed because it is delicate. There are 3 ways to score permits. 5 can be obtained pre-purchasing 4 months in advance, 5 can be obtained on the online lottery, and 10 are obtained as walk-ins. No more than a group of 6 in one party can go. The pre-purchasing method has to be obtained online on the 1st of each month, and they are gone before you can even begin to fill out the application, next, you can enter the lottery, and choose 2 possible days to go, and pre-pay for everyone for those, and if your days don't get chosen, you lost that money, and the 3rd method is the walk-in passes. You have to show up at the Kanab office (off-season) at 9:00 am on Friday (only day to obtain walk-in passes) for sat, sun, and mon. and if there are more than 10 people trying out for that day, they will do a lottery. I have tried for 4 years to get passes.
I just needed to give a little background on how to obtain these tickets. Well, we decided we were going to have to get up by 2:30 am and leave for the Kanab office at 3:00 am to make it by 8:30 and fill out the necessary paperwork application to score tickets for the wave. All of us were tired, and couldn't just suddenly go to bed at 7:00 pm and sleep right away. I kept laying there and when I would fall asleep, I would wake up. We left and drove down there, and none of us could sleep in the car. Shawn and my dad certainly kept us entertained. We got the the kanab office, and filled out the app. More and more people showed up until the office was chuck full of people. They announced that this was the first week since New Year's they had to do the lottery, because it had been a slow time. Lucky us, it was only on our day that the lottery needed to be in place. There were 15 people and only 10 passes. One person from the group gets assigned a number and they take balls and roll it around in this thing and draw balls. Well, let's just say, that our ball was the only one left in the thing, and we were the only group that left without a pass. It sucked, and I was so mad. We went for a little breakfast and decided that we didn't know what else to do, so we just drove, and found a cave called Moqui Cave that had the only collection of real flourescent rocks, plus dinosour tracks, and cool Indian artifacts. The man we met there was so cool and so knowledgeable. He was LDS and told us some cool stuff that they have found down in Southern Utah, helping to prove the facts that the people in the Book Of Mormon did, in fact, live in the USA. Supposedly, Montezuma's gold is believed to be hidden under a lake right up the street from the cave. You can look it up and read about it. We went and checked in our hotel, and decided to see some of the homes. We went to the hotel and crashed early. We got up the next day and had a home spree. There was this ridiculously excessive home that had a pool with fake rock behind it with waterslides, and a lair inside with a jacuzzi. It had a 2 story gym in the basement with a raquetball court, half-size basketball court, climbing wall, putting green, and a Guitar Hero Harry Potter room upstairs. Incredible homes. I get a lot of decorating, and designing ideas from the show.
We went and visited Momma A (one of the missionary host families from Shawn's mission) and her husband Paul. They are fantastic people. We went to a random Sacrament Meeting with old guy's coughing up all their phlegm everywhere, and saw a couple more houses, and went to pick Kara up from Dave's modular home.
Some things that mom has been laughing about all weekend is when we went to a gas station for a pit stop, and noticed dad was walking out of the women's bathroom looking all sheepish. He had not noticed the sign, went in, and went into a stall, noticing that there were no urinals to be had. He then realized that something was not right, and knew he was in the women's restroom. Mom couldn't stop laughing all weekend. Another thing, is when we went to pick Kara up, we pulled out onto the road, and heard Kara scream, and looked back. The back had come up and all of her stuff tumbled out and was strewn on the road. Shawn came to the rescue and picked it up. Dad was just mostly concerned about his sweatshirt. Overall, it was a super good time.
So, an update on the job situation. I HAVE A JOB!!!!! The people from NPS called me today (the ebay/amazon sales job) and said that they were sorry it took so long to get back to me, but I have the job! It is mon-fri 6 am to 2:30 pm. ooh, the 6 is going to kill me, but I have a job! Whoo hoo!!!