He happened to get to some of my papers briefly before I shooed him away.
By biggest pet peeve (ha ha. pet peeve, get it?) is the Bucher's bird "Nibbins" Since we live here, I have to live with him and he gets super annoying. It starts in the morning, when he begs for food like a dog. He will fly closer and walk around and eventually fly on my shoulder, climb down onto the table and start dipping his head into my bowl. I will shoo him away and he will fly onto the top of the cabinets and start shrieking his brains out! He likes ALOT of attention and will shriek until he gets it. If you walk into another room, he will shriek. If you are in the same room, and want to watch t.v., then he will climb down his ladder onto the floor and walk over to where you are and climb up your pantleg and perch himself by your arm or head and sit and happily poop all over you. If you are reading a book, he will come over and start nibbling on it (hence, the name nibbins) and if you leave paper, books or cords lying around, he will very much chew those up too (that was the demise of my old earphones) If you put any kind of paper on the fridge, the edges will be chewed up. He doesn't want bird food either. He insists on people food. When we have our sunday omelet in the morning, he has to have one too. When we have dinner, he must have whatever we are having. He even eats meat. Cannibal bird..... He likes to be scratched under the neck. If you go near his nest (a drawer in Frank and Lesli's bathroom) he will hiss at you and try to bite. If you close the drawer to his nest, he will sit and make weird annoying sounds on purpose until you open the drawer back up. About an hour ago, I could hear him happily chirping and pushing whatever is on the counter, off. He loves to take the fortune cookies in a tin on the table, out and push them off, he also loves to push mail, measuring cups, keys, etc... He also loves to chew through the breadbags on the table to get to the bread to enjoy. I have to set the butter up higher because he likes to dip his beak in it. One thing that he really loves is.... his reflection. He is a narcissist. He will sit and stare for hours. He will eventually start pounding his beak in it and make a little squeak to the rythm that he is creating. He also chews through his little perches in his cage, and they have to be replaced often. All in all, I feel like I am watching a child sometimes, and have to attend to the bird often. I hope you enjoyed my stories of the bird today.
***Video of how the bird sounded all day long!***
Nibbins is crazy! Birds like this freak me out. My brother had one once sort of similar. After the bird came flying after me to attack, my love of birds has never been the same.
He he, this is hilarious! I can just imagine you being so annoyed with this little birdie. So funny. He hisses??! Awesome. (P.S. That's right, I am officially stalking your blog on the World Wide Web.)
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