Well, we moved on monday, and it was an incredibly long drive. Shawn and I both had to drive ourselves, and it got super boring. Luckily my car made it. I was worried about it for awhile. We got in at about 7 pm. Our townhouse is really nice. I really like it. I was not so sure at first, and for some reason, kept crying all day. A lot of neighbors came up to us and talked. They scared me telling me all of these horror stories. In reality, it is really not that bad. I have enjoyed it more and more. The best part, is that no one really shops here, so all the cutest clothes at the mall are left for me, and they are all my size! Whoever says that there is not good shopping here, is lying:) Still trying to get to know the area. I am actually excited now. We live in an adobe townhouse. I really like the style. We have a xerscaped backyard with gravel and rocks. The weather is always sunny and cooler than Utah. While it is 98 there, it is 90 here. So, funny thing happened. We bought an air mattress and set it up. The next morning, Shawn was leaning in the crack of our mattress, and kept saying how he felt something sharp in his elbow, but would not move it. He finally moved it, and discovered a needle stuck in his elbow. He bled on the mattress too a little. Silly boy. I included a picture of him and the needle. He does not sleep too well lately. One of the pictures explains that.
Sorry about not adding pictures to my last post about Portland. I kept trying, and it would not work last time I tried, so I included a few at the top of my post.
Hey, I didn't know you were gone already! I thought we were going to hang out before you left? Well, I'm glad you made it safely :)
That looks like such a nice place...and the air matresses too..Are you guys all moved in? When do we get to come visit? What are you both doing for work? Heath
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