OkAY, i HAve so many things to write about since I have been a total slacker on here. I got a job. I interviewed for the front desk at Country Club Dental, and they called me back, and asked if I would be a dental assistant. Well, I got in there, and they informed me, I would be the Oral Surgeon's assistant. It's crazy. I have learned so much in a week so far, and I assisted on my first surgery yesterday. I had been assisting on fillings, root canals, and extractions all week, but surgery is crazy! Meth is a big problem in this area, so we get a lot of patients in here that are in their early 20's or 30's and already need to be fitted for dentures. It's sad. Well, back to my subject of bugs. It is really weird, we do not get a lot of spiders around here. Mainly huge crawling things, or annoying flying things. I saw a beetle the size of the palm of my hand crawling on the ground the other day. We were staying at the Tornow's house all last week, and noticed a really large male black widow in the corner. We didn't get him in time before he ran away, and that scared me. We finally got him the next day. I got a picture, but he kept moving, so it was not very good. You can see a little smidge of the red hourglass on his back. Yucky. We also went swimming in the pool, and I almost stepped on a scorpion. I have not gone swimming since.....
Congrats on your job. It sounds really interesting.
I am now scared to move down there! I hate creepy crawly things!!
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